About us
CIC: A Century of Excellence and Growth
Founded in 1926, the College of Immaculate Conception (CIC) embarked on a mission to provide quality Catholic education. Over the years, CIC has evolved through various challenges and opportunities, reflecting the changing needs of its community and the broader educational landscape.
The façade of the school building was the place where General Antonio Luna,
one of the luminaries in the Filipino’s fight for freedom against the Spanish and American domination, was killed. The institution was founded in 1926 as San Nicolas Catholic School by Rev. Fr. Ruperto T. Del Rosario, parish priest of Cabana.
Founded in 1926, the College of Immaculate Conception (CIC) embarked on a mission to provide quality Catholic education. Over the years, CIC has evolved through various challenges and opportunities, reflecting the changing needs of its community and the broader educational landscape.
In 1936, the school was renamed Cabanatuan Institute. It expanded into complete primary and secondary school.
The Rev. Carlos S. Inquimboy, then School Director, did everything to make the Institute different from other schools in nearby provinces. The Sisters of St. Paul de Chartres took the responsibility of managing the affairs of the Cabanatuan Institute. In 1940, the school had its first batch of high school graduates.

During the dynamic leadership of Msgr. Pacifico B. Araullo in 1950 and the years that followed, the school underwent great changes and claimed significant achievements.
In 1962, the Cabanatuan Institute was elevated into a college and it was given the name, College of the Immaculate Conception.
It was the first established Catholic college in Nueva Ecija. Hence, Msgr. Araullo was conferred
the honors of being its Founder and President. It was also in 1962 when the Sisters of the Franciscan Congregation of the Immaculate Conception (CFIC) arrived in Cabanatuan City to help Msgr. Araullo in the administration of the College.
1950- 1980
After a few years passed, a milestone was achieved to recognize the School's leadership in Christian education and role in community development, CIC was chosen as the Center of the Applied Nutrition Program Teacher Training for Nueva Ecija in 1973.
The School also served and continues to serve as the testing center in the selection of DOST, PSHS scholars, and as a venue for entrance examinations of big schools and universities outside of Cabanatuan City.
But despite these great achievements, the institution faced inevitable disasters. On September 28, 1972, fire practically consumed the whole College, and a few years after that, a strong typhoon left two buildings damaged.
With the goodness and faith of the parishioners, parents, students, faculty, and alumni, CIC was able to begin again and live its mission and vision.

1980- 1987
Right after the helm of Msgr. Araullo, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Camilo D. Gregorio who later became the Bishop of the Diocese of Batanes took over the orchestration of the
College as the second President.
He held the position from December 1980 until March 1987. He initiated professionalism in the School by starting to work on manuals for employees.
The reorganization of offices, the offering of the Bachelor of Science in Agriculture with practicum held in the present campus, and the inclusion of computer education in the curricula.

This was also followed by the upgrading of laboratories in Science and Technology and the finalization of the manuals for CIC employees during the brief stint of the School's third president, Rt. Rev. Florentino F. Cinense.

Rev. Fr. Antonio A. Mangahas, Jr.
The establishment of different offices was spearheaded by the fourth College President, Rev. Fr. Antonio A.Mangahas, Jr. These offices were the Cabanatuan Forum for Catholic Educators (C-FORCE) which was founded primarily to organize all Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Cabanatuan into one cohesive unit,
the Scholarship and Endowment Program which was aimed at extending educational loans to CIC personnel and to deserving graduates who desire higher academic pursuits to financially assist them in licensure examinations, and the Guidance and Rehabilitation Assistance for Children through Education Project (GRACE) headed by the Social Work Department.
It was also during his term that the policies formalized in the manual for employees were implemented; the work towards Accreditation was initiated; the Graduate School, the BS in Nursing, BS in Hotel and Restaurant Management, and BS in Computer Science were opened to address the needs of the times. More importantly, the Christian Formation Program office was established in full realization that CIC, being a Catholic School, must have its core values grounded in the teachings of Christ and Gospel truth.
The establishment of different offices was spearheaded by the fourth College President, Rev. Fr. Antonio A.Mangahas, Jr. These offices were the Cabanatuan Forum for Catholic Educators (C-FORCE) which was founded primarily to organize all Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Cabanatuan into one cohesive unit,
the Scholarship and Endowment Program which was aimed at extending educational loans to CIC personnel and to deserving graduates who desire higher academic pursuits to financially assist them in licensure examinations, and the Guidance and Rehabilitation Assistance for Children through Education Project (GRACE) headed by the Social Work Department.
It was also during his term that the policies formalized in the manual for employees were implemented; the work towards Accreditation was initiated; the Graduate School, the BS in Nursing, BS in Hotel and Restaurant Management, and BS in Computer Science were opened to address the needs of the times. More importantly, the Christian Formation Program office was established in full realization that CIC, being a Catholic School, must have its core values grounded in the teachings of Christ and Gospel truth.

On November 13, 1995, HIS Excellency Sofio G. Balce, D.D., Bishop of Cabanatuan, confirmed the appointment of Rev. Fr. Francisco O. Algas, Jr., as the fifth President of the College, and was formally installed on December 5, 1995.
His installation mandates were to continue with the expansion on the new site and to work for the Accreditation process of the different programs of the School. During his term, physical structures rose in the Main campus giving rise to classrooms for both undergraduate and graduate courses, Chapel, and offices for the CFP, DBEA, Sports, Athletics and Security, Records and Admissions, Graduate School, and Library.
Construction went on the New Site, and its completion paved the way for the transfer of the Department of Arts and Sciences (DAS) and the Department of Nursing, Nutrition & Dietetics, and Hotel & Restaurant Management (DNND-HRM) to the new buildings.
He also started the construction of the Immaculate Conception Chapel. It was also during Fr. Algas' term when Accreditation finally pushed through.
The School worked intensively and collaboratively through the application status to the formal visits, finally achieving Level II status for Grade School, High School, and for the Arts and Sciences, Business, Education, and Social Work Programs. Accreditation status was granted by the Philippine Accrediting Association for Schools, Colleges, and Universities (PAASCU), and confirmed by the Federation of Accrediting Agencies in the Philippines (FAAP). CIC has carved its niche in the academic community with its proof of quality Catholic education.
1996- 2001

Following the successes attained by the School, it was then Rev. Fr. Michael Feliciano I. Veneracion who was appointed and installed as the sixth President of the School. Upon assumption to duty, he conducted dialogues with the community and consequently made some revisions to the organizational set-up of the tertiary level.
The four college departments established in 1995 were clustered into two, the Institute of Higher Studies for the Department of Pedagogical Studies, Department of Human and Social Development and Department of Management, Accountancy, Technology and Entrepreneurial Studies; and the Institute of Health Sciences for the Nursing program.
He worked for the completion of the Chapel, the extension of the HS building, and the construction of the covered court.
He emphasized during his inaugural day that the promotion of culture and arts is the mandate for his administration, a mandate he fulfilled with the establishment of the CIC Chorale, The Tropang Lambat (theater group), and the CIC Filipiniana Dance Troupe.

The CIC CHORALE, trained under the famous Madrigal singers, earned honors, not only for CIC, but also for the Country, when they won 2nd Place in the Folk Song category of the Chorale competition in Vienna in 2005, second place in the Chamber Choir Competition in Vanna, Bulgaria in May 2011, and in June 2011 when they garnered 3 silver awards in the Harmonie Festival in Germany.
Likewise, the Filipiniana Dance troupe won first place in the regional competition in Vigan City, Ilocos Sur in February 2007, and the Tropang Lambat has showcased CIC students' talents and earned praise in some of its invitational performances. All three have been CIC's ambassadors of goodwill through their breathtaking and unique performances.
Aside from these, the vision and mission were revisited, and strategic decisions were formulated. The Core values of Christ-centeredness, Excellence, and Service became the guiding principles for the whole Community. As a growing Catholic institution, CIC has now set its 11 strategic goals to be pursued in the coming years, hoping to serve the community and the whole country in line with the national thrusts of academic excellence, character formation, quality education, and service to humanity.

When Rev. Fr. Michael Feliciano I. Veneracion finished his term, it was Fr. Richmond V. Nilo who continued the School's legacy.
Before he was appointed President, Father Nilo was the Director of the Christian Formation Program in 2001, and then Vice President for Finance and Administration in 2004.
As President, he worked on the construction of the Elementary Building and the eventual transfer of the department in January 2009.
The dream of bringing together the Basic Education and the Tertiary levels in one campus was realized. Rev. Fr. Richmond continues with his goals of strengthening CIC's core values of Christ-centeredness, Excellence, and Service by faithfully adhering to his mandate of enhancing and expanding the plans and programs of the previous Presidents to further develop and ensure quality Catholic education in CIC.

The eighth President of the institution - continued CIC's delivery of quality Catholic education.
With this, he pushed for the continued accreditation of the different levels and programs of the School; and facilitated the implementation of educational reforms like the K-12 curriculum, the typology of higher education, and outcomes-based education.
Believing that satisfied and happy personnel relate to effectiveness and efficiency in work; he started to look into the welfare of the personnel by upgrading their salaries, benefits, and working conditions, keeping CIC personnel at par with those from other educational institutions.
It was also during his second year as President that CIC Graduate School reached out to Guimba, Nueva Ecija, and as far as Dipaculao, Aurora Province to establish satellite classes for teachers and administrators who want to further their studies but are constrained by the expenses of having to travel to Cabanatuan City.

The eighth President of the institution - continued CIC's delivery of quality Catholic education.
With this, he pushed for the continued accreditation of the different levels and programs of the School; and facilitated the implementation of educational reforms like the K-12 curriculum, the typology of higher education, and outcomes-based education.
Believing that satisfied and happy personnel relate to effectiveness and efficiency in work; he started to look into the welfare of the personnel by upgrading their salaries, benefits, and working conditions, keeping CIC personnel at par with those from other educational institutions.
It was also during his second year as President that CIC Graduate School reached out to Guimba, Nueva Ecija, and as far as Dipaculao, Aurora Province to establish satellite classes for teachers and administrators who want to further their studies but are constrained by the expenses of having to travel to Cabanatuan City.

2001-2008 | 2016-2021
Following this event, Rev. Fr. Michael Feliciano I. Veneracion was appointed as the ninth President of CIC, filling the sudden void left by the new Auxiliary Bishop. With Fr. Mike's installation as CIC President, the School was led towards quality education, supported by Accreditation status that puts its mark of quality on a school.
The pandemic not only affected teaching and learning but also had financial implications. To ensure financial viability, some employees were offered early retirement packages and others were retrenched. Despite the challenges, Fr. Mike's leadership ensured that CIC would still be able to continue its mission of delivering quality Catholic education.
With the threat of COVID-19 lurking, the Crisis Management Committee was created to make sure that school operations would go on as usual without posing any harm to all stakeholders.
Fr. Mike also laid out Strategic Decisions to address the needs of the changing educational landscape. Priority areas were identified, and actions were planned out for a smooth transition of leadership at the end of his term.


2021 - Present
was appointed to be the 10th president of CIC. Upon his assumption of office, he immediately initiated changes in the organizational structure of the school.
The Office of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs was integrated with the Research Office making it the Office of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs and Research (VPAAR).
A new office was also created, the Social Media and Relations Team (SMART). Its function is to facilitate internal and external communications and oversee the development of campaign designs and school branding.
Due to the continuing threat of the pandemic, delivery of instruction and other school services continue to be online. Fr. Joseph instituted the use of Schoology in the Basic Education Department, God's Park for catechizing
and Apple for MAC Laboratory for the College Department.
He also partnered with Microsoft Teams to enhance productivity tools used in the offices. To promote the culture of research, library services were improved by adding online resources from EBSCO.
Fr. Joseph is now spearheading the preparations for Flexible Learning to ensure that the School is ready for limited face-to-face classes.